Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dear World

I'm bad at blogging. i Know this. Here is some other stuff i'm bad at:
waking up in the morning
ice skating
being patient with rude people
staying on top of dishes and laundry (and blog posting)
that's is. Those are the ONLY things i'm bad at.
In all seriousness, and without sounding like i'm making lame excuses, It's been a long year. Lots of change in my life, lots of opportunity and lots of closed doors. I'm ready to try and make a change. I'm ready to be more disciplined. I'm ready to stop procrastinating. I'll get around to being better about all that stuff soon, i'm sure... I want to blog 3 times a week, i want to join the world of twitter, i want to not be tired all the time, and I want to get to know you ALL!!!! I'm making steps, so bear wtih me, and please don't give up on me.

Love ya