It seems like an average Sunday afternoon. It's been a while since I've had a day that most would consider to be "normal," so this is a weird feeling. Strange that feeling normal can feel so uncomfortable. Perhaps this isn't the best day to start writing a blog, maybe my creativity needs to feed off of turmoil. I tend to put a lot of emphasis on first impressions, so I considered waiting until something really dramatic and interesting happened in my life so that this would be really interesting, so that you'd be hooked by now and hanging on my next word.... But I thought I'd take a nice slow day to formally introduce myself, make a good impression, pay attention to grammar, capitalization, and spelling and tell you who I am, but in good blog fashion I'll do it in list form. 5 boring facts about me and 5 more interesting details. Here goes....
5 facts
1. I was adopted when I was 7 days old in Birmingham, AL
2. I graduated high school with a 4.1 GPA and college with a 2.6
3. I have a useless degree from the University of Central Florida in Human Resource Management
4. I live in downtown Orlando, FL, with my new girlfriend, after ending a marriage to the girl I was with for 7 years. (We'll be sure to get back to that story soon, I promise)
5. Technically I'm 25, but I am pretty sure that in the last 5 months I've aged at least 5 more years. (see above)
and 5 more interesting ones
1. Like I said before, I put a lot of pressure on first impressions, and I think that's why I always carry mints or gum, but it's also why I spontaneously make new friends in random places (I've been told its one of my best qualities ;-)
2. I HATE capitalizing "I" when I type, and generally don't capitalize the beginning of sentences either. I've been doing it in the spirit of first impressions, but it stops right..... NOW!!!!!
3. i have recently started thinking for myself a lot more. i realized that i have to make my own decisions, that i can't let other people and their expectations make choices for me. it's sad that it took 25 years for me to realize that, but it's very liberating. people are going to be disappointed, others will stand by you, and although it doesn't justify making selfish choices or being an asshole, sometimes you have to do what's best for you.
4. i love learning everything that i can about the things that fascinate me. wine, cigars, cheese, photography, music, computers, cars, movies and on and on.... i throw myself into things, and admittedly sometimes get tired of them like a kid that gets tired of an old toy, but i love pulling the old toy out of the closet and surprising people with intelligent conversation about something they never expected i knew anything about. i store random knowledge and numbers in my head like a giant vault, and pull it out at when you least expect it (perhaps another reason i make random friends)
5. i just realized i like blogging... nice to meet you!