I know i've been brief up to this point about what's been going on in my life. I've just gotten out of a 7 year relationship and started a new one. We've moved in together, amidst a storm of controversy, and my ex has given me so much grief about it. our relationship didn't end well, and we both were with other people when it was over. she has given me so much grief for moving in with my new girlfriend, and said she would never have done that to me, that she would never move in with him, that they realized how bad of a choice it would be...... it almost started to get to me... then i found this

she would have done it to me in a heartbeat if she could have. she also decided to try and be clever and told MY FAMILY about my blog and my new girlfriends ANONYMOUS blog, to make us look bad, unaware that i had been reading her awful and hurtful anonymous blog for weeks, but i had never held anything she said in it against her.... because it was ANONYMOUS.... that's the point of them... whatever. she hasn't ceased to surprise me. anytime i start to be happy and move on she makes me feel guilty.
just a bunch of lies...at least now you know the truth.
Dear Mr. Beagle....you should post more often
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